James Matthews Elementary Principals

Tamika Wright

Principal - Tameka Wright

Dedrick Cross
Asst. Principal - Dedrick Cross

JMES Mission Statement

Helping, Inspiring, Growing, and Holding all Stakeholders Accountable as we Collaborate to Educate and Graduate the Whole Child.

James Matthews Elementary School

Core Values

An Achieving School District incorporates high quality, adaptable, performance-driven team members who commit to high expectations, lifelong learning, and overall success.

A Team Oriented Culture supports an environment where various ideas, beliefs, and diversities are celebrated and shared to contribute to our relentless pursuit of excellence.

Consistent, Open, and Honest Communication employed by all stakeholders, in order to transparently explain our decisions, our ideas, our actions, our shortcomings, and our successes, is vital to building and sustaining a culture of trust.

Active Family Engagement is vital to ensure continued academic success and growth.

Community Knowledge, Support, and Participation are necessary to foster a high-performing school district.